If only I’d realised this when I was young
It’s funny how often we say this as we get older. If I knew what I know now, then I would have done more of this or less of that. ...
It’s funny how often we say this as we get older. If I knew what I know now, then I would have done more of this or less of that. ...
One of the most important things you can develop in your career is the ability to think for yourself....
We all spend some time reflecting on our careers and where we are going. Some of us have a clear view of the way forward and are working on this...
How often have you gone to an end of year Christmas party and seen people embarrassing themselves?...
When I first started out in the working world, I seemed to have a good work life balance – well that’s my memory of it....
Making good decisions is a challenge. I always say to people focus on the facts, get the evidence and don’t rely on gut feel. If you are a gut feel...