What problem are we solving?
The recruitment services market today has been commoditised to the point where both customers and recruiters have the worst of all outcomes.
From the customer perspective, more time sifting through resumes, unsure about their accuracy, trying to determine who is suitable and without the tools or knowledge to make appropriate selection choices. The result is lower quality of staff, lower performance, higher turnover, lower retention rates, higher direct and indirect costs for staffing.
From the recruiter perspective, contingent search means they are driven to find resumes and adjust them to get force a quick decision. There is no time to investigate and evaluate, focus is only on the sale and if it takes too long, abandon the effort and move on to the next opportunity. There is no real support for the customer, no real support for the candidates, more importantly no real product warranty. Buyer beware!
In practise, most people are hired for their skills but are fired for their behaviours. The majority of people involved in the hiring process only focus on the skills portion of the equation. They may determine that the new hire can do the work but they have no idea if that person will do the work. People do not have the skills or the tools to be objective and analyse the fit of the candidate.
Through the TalentConnect process we ensure that the people nominated for selection not only can do the work but will do the work. To underpin the process, you are given a 12 month Guarantee of replacement free of charge should the chosen candidate leave. No other search firm offer this guarantee. We guarantee that you will be presented with people that match your requirements and fit your cultural and behavioral profile.
Why you can be confident?
Over the past few years people like you have consistently achieved 94-96% retention rates appling the principles of the TalentConnect process.
The TalentConnect process combines, science, technology, recruiter expertise and a system to analyse and compare candidates' suitability to the role. A role that is well defined and profiled specifically for your company.
What is TalentConnect?
TalentConnect is an award-winning technology platform that matches the candidates to the requirements of the organisation through analysis of the role, the company culture, technical and competency skills and individual behavioural profile all presented on a secure platform that can be accessed anywhere at any time.
TalentConnect uses a range of assessment tools which include videos, psychometric charts, benchmarking, CV analysis, background checks and unique insights to each candidate provided to the customer before an interview takes place. By the time these candidates are put forward for review they have been effectively qualified for the role and are backed by our unique guarantee
Video Presentation
Each candidate prepares a short video presentation where they highlight their strengths and key features of their experience that would add to the role and differentiate themselves. You gain valuable insight into the style behaviour and approach of the candidate and how this may feature in their own organisation.
Candidates are benchmarked based on the relative responses to the competency questions selected by the customer and compared relative to their salary expectations
Psychometric profile
The behavioural characteristics of the individual are compared to the ideal candidate profile and the strength of the match is shown. This allows you to gain a perspective on individuals and provides insight into how they will perform relative to their core profile. Further insights are gained from the detailed evaluation. Support questions are offered to you to so that a deeper understanding can be obtained in areas that are important to you in overall performance.
Click the video and see a brief overview of the TalentConnect Platform
Benefits of the TalentConnect Process to you are:
- Detailed Analysis of Position Objectives and a Job profile
- Expertise in the Industry and Technology
- Candidate Mapping to ensure a deeper candidate pool
- Identification of most likely fit candidates saving you time and money
- Behavioural Testing to ensure early matching
- Candidate video to demonstrate individual’s communication and presentation skills
- Comprehensive Individual report to support management
- Greater than 94% retention rate
- 12 month Guarantee
- Candidate support to ensure smooth onboarding
- Post hire support and follow up
Book a demonstration to see how we can achieve a 94% retention rate Click Here
You will learn how:
- to define the role, goals, and challenges
- to profile best performance
- to map where the likely candidates are
- to pitch the opportunity to ensure the most prospective candidates
- to engage the candidates to ensure we are attracting the talent needed
- to use science and technology to ensure the candidate and job match
- you are supported the final selection process
- you are supported in on-boarding package and post hire service.